Its roots go back to ancient India. The effect of the massage lies primarily in the balancing of the energy system. The massage tries to ensure the free flow of energy by pressing and stretching the muscles. Its peculiarity is that, in addition to their fingers, Thai masseuses also use their hands, elbows, knees and feet when massaging the physiological points. The extraordinary effectiveness of the massage is enhanced by the specific movement and crunching of the various body parts. In a physical and psychological sense, the goal is to relieve pain and stiffness, to create a flexible, pliable, relaxed state.
The course of the massage is essentially the same as that of a traditional Thai massage, with the difference that certain strokes are omitted on the body, which has become slippery from the oil. Essential oils use the senses of touch and smell together to exert their beneficial effects directly through the skin. The oil massage stimulates blood circulation, and the essential oils surround the body and are absorbed and inhaled through the nose. It helps in detoxification, strengthens the immune system, makes the skin flexible and silky, and refreshes the tired soul.
Practiced by Thai monks for centuries and central to Thai medicine, Thai massage is believed to have originated in India over 2,500 years ago. It was originally developed by Jivaka Kumar Bhaccha, the physician of Siddhartha Gautama – the Buddha – over 2,500 years ago in India. The technique made its way to Thailand, where the original Ayurvedic techniques were combined with the principles of traditional Chinese medicine.
Back massage improves blood flow and circulation, thereby improving tissue and muscle nutrition. This helps to repair aching and sore muscles, especially for those who have engaged in strenuous physical activity or who have tissue damage such as a muscle strain.
Reflexology, or foot massage, has been practiced in Asia for five thousand years and is currently in its heyday. It quickly protects and improves our physical and mental health, without side effects. It prevents diseases and activates the body's self-healing processes. Reflexology is an experiential art.